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CEOTsuneo Kouno

Since our founding in 1964, we have developed various activities rooted in local life. The contents of each business are different, but we are here now because we have been thinking hard and have been doing what we are supposed to do so that everyone can be pleased. The 21st century is a very difficult time when everything is changing at full speed and the common sense before are become uncommon. We will continue to face this transformation and make further contributions toward the development of a society with lively and brightly. We look forward to keeping the support by the customers in the future.

COONaoto Nishii

We have continued to grow steadily for over 50 years. The driving force behind this is the goal of “making our company that can be trusted by customers and society” that has been handed down by our members. Based on this goal, we will constantly challenge to be a 100-year-old companies and respond to changes. And we want to provide our customers with a wealthy life through social contributions unique to us. We value “heartfelt hospitality” and aim to be a company that is supported and loved by customers and local people over time. We look forward to customers’ continued support and patronage in the future.